Employing a multi-resonance microwave sensor for in-line moisture monitoring of fluidized bed agglomeration
Gero Stoeckl, Aitor Atxutegi, Stefan Bellinghausen & Stefan Heinrich Chemical Engineering Journal 499; 156053. DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2024.156053
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Employing a multi-resonance microwave sensor for in-line moisture monitoring of fluidized bed agglomeration
Amorphous substances are relatively common in food industry and their characteristics depend highly on the moisture content. Process parameters are adjusted based on online measurements to control the product quality of the agglomerates. This leads to two major challenges: precise moisture content measurements of amorphous particles at (i) different temperatures and for (ii) a wide moisture content range.
In this study two workflows (inline fluidized bed and conditioned fixed bed) calibration of microwave sensors are compared and it is shown that for fluidized beds inline calibration is necessary to achieve accurate moisture measurements. The application of the novel microwave sensor MW 4200 working at resonance frequencies of 2.3 and 5.6 GHz is described. The temperature influence on the measurement is investigated with measurements of a fixed particle bed. Rapid, reliable in-process moisture control at a wide range of moisture contents and temperatures for agglomeration in fluidized beds, with a mean relative accuracy of 82 %, is achieved. This technology improves productivity and precision in industrial operations, minimizes waste and optimizes energy usage.