Discrete particle zoom in continuum Two Fluid Model (TFM) simulations of spout fluidized beds

Behrad Esgandari

Host Institutions

Johannes Kepler University Linz [ 36 months ]


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Daniel Queteschiner


My name is Behrad Esgandari, and I come from Iran. I received my bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Tehran, Iran. My master thesis was about CFD-DEM simulations of non-spherical particles in spouted fluidized beds. For more information on my papers, please visit My Google Scholar Profile. Currently, I’m studying Ph.D. at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. My project’s subject is “Discrete particle zoom in continuum Two Fluid Model (TFM) simulations of spout fluidized beds.” The following paragraph briefly explains my project.

Due to considering the particles as discrete phase and solving the equations of motion for each particle, the CFD-DEM approach has higher accuracy than the TFM approach. However, it requires higher computational time than TFM.  In order to address the fundamental challenge that the discrete nature of particles poses for modelling and understanding, in this project, we will establish a coupling methodology between a TFM simulation and an embedded discrete particle simulation, which can be placed into an arbitrary sub-region of the computational domain.

You can also find me on LinkedIn and ResearchGate

Project Description

In order to address the fundamental challenge that the discrete nature of particles poses for modelling and understanding, in this project we will establish a one-way and (optionally) two-way coupling methodology between a TFM simulation and an embedded discrete particle simulation, which can be placed into an arbitrary sub-region of the computational domain.

Specific objectives are:
  1. Conduct a sensitivity analysis of gas–solid drag correlations for homogeneous and heterogeneous particle arrangements;
  2. Perform CFD–DEM and TFM simulations for a spout fluidized bed to compare with experiments provided by Hamburg University of Technology;
  3. Develop a robust coupling between the discrete and continuum approaches;
  4. Validation of the simulations with experiments at Hamburg University of Technology and BASF to establish predictive capability.
Expected Results:
  1. Numerically robust discrete particle zoom functionality established for TFM simulations;
  2. Accelerated coupled discrete particle–TFM simulations of fluidized beds;
  3. Validation via experiments in fluidized beds at BASF and comparative experiments from Hamburg University of Technology.

Research Output

List of related publications
  1. Behrad Esgandari, Stefanie Rauchenzauner, Christoph Goniva, Paul Kieckhefen & Simon Schneiderbauer (2023), A comprehensive comparison of Two-Fluid Model, Discrete Element Method and experiments for the simulation of single- and multiple-spout fluidized beds Chemical Engineering Science, 267; 118357. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2022.118357